lurking internet since 56k
Just a couple of my favourite videos, I've just copy'n'pasted here my web browser favourite directory. If you're born in past millennium you may like them, I mean... 4:3 as aspect ratio.
Apple Commercial - Get a Mac, Complete "Mac vs PC" ads collection 
Apple Commercial - Get a Mac, All "Mac vs PC" ads broadcasted in Italy 
Developers, Developers, developers, developers, developers 
John Titor - Voyager DVD, JT documentary sold at kiosk in late '00s 
John Titor - Voyager TV, JT documentary broadcasted in Italy on 2008 
Mickey Mouse Hacks a Military Computer, Italian cult since 1991 
Oh cazzo! Un Debian, Yep,Debian into an Italian CSI rip-off 
You're NOT safe, Halt and Catch Fire 3x08 
You're NOT safe, Halt and Catch Fire 3x08 
Windows 1.0 with Steve Ballmer, A leaked Microsoft internally parody ads 
Windows 95 Welcome Video, No MS-DOS? You liar 
Proudly hand-written and hosted on Neocities
Stylesheet copy'n'pasted inspired by Parimal Satyal.
Compatible and well-viewed on all Web Browsers including mobile ones..
Thanks to: Web Design Museum, WayBack Machine and Archive.org for anon for .
All media hosted on this website can be easly found on the web. For a DMCA request contact the webmaster.